Black Lips to Pink
Some people have black lips due to reasons such as diet, smoking, heavy medication and similar issues. Black lips fade the personality and affect your beauty. However, very little effort can make your black lips turn into pinky and soft.
This simple solution will help you improve your lip colour and will give your face a new look. Many people have fair complexion but their lip colour is dark grey or of chocolate colour. The colour of lips is affected by insufficient diet, smoking and due to low intake of water. This can easily be converted into pink lips just like the baby lips through this simple and fast method. It is very simple home remedy for black and grey lips.

Take one banana, eat the banana and do not throw its skin. Scratch the inner side of Banana's peel and mix it with the one spoon of lemon juice. Put it for five minutes on the lips. Repeat for few days. You will see the different in just three days. So turning your black and rough lips into soft silky and pink lips is in your hand now. This is very effective black lip treatment and a natural cure. Now get rid of black lips and turn them into pink fresh lips.
Keywords: Black Lips, dark lip colour, soft lips, pinky lips, grey lips, somoking lips
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This simple solution will help you improve your lip colour and will give your face a new look. Many people have fair complexion but their lip colour is dark grey or of chocolate colour. The colour of lips is affected by insufficient diet, smoking and due to low intake of water. This can easily be converted into pink lips just like the baby lips through this simple and fast method. It is very simple home remedy for black and grey lips.

Take one banana, eat the banana and do not throw its skin. Scratch the inner side of Banana's peel and mix it with the one spoon of lemon juice. Put it for five minutes on the lips. Repeat for few days. You will see the different in just three days. So turning your black and rough lips into soft silky and pink lips is in your hand now. This is very effective black lip treatment and a natural cure. Now get rid of black lips and turn them into pink fresh lips.
Keywords: Black Lips, dark lip colour, soft lips, pinky lips, grey lips, somoking lips
If you like the above post or any other post in this blog, please share it on facebook and other social media for information of your friends and family.
It's very considerable natural cure. I would like to suggest a lip balm for dark lips is Lip Lite. Generally, it is believed that lips require less care as compared to other parts of the body. People do not pay much attention in choosing a suitable product for lip care and go on to apply a bit of any lip balm every once in a while perceiving that All is Well. Exposure to sun further increases the chances of chronic damage to lips. So the only solution is Lip Lite. it is the best lip treatment for dark lips.